We look forward to seeing all adult cast and adults interested in being in the ensemble this evening at our first rehearsal - Monday, 17th February at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall. It will be a rough read / busk through and there will probably also be time to focus on starting to learn one of the ensemble numbers. Children's rehearsals will start at 6.30pm on Wednesday, 19th February, in the Spire Main Sanctuary, and be followed by a principal rehearsal - Mary and Steve will confirm exactly who and when.
Until the reahearsal schedule is published, rehearsals will be in the format of Adult Ensemble, Mondays at 7.30pm (Methodist Hall) and Wednesdays, Children from 6.30pm and Principals from 7.30pm (Spire Church).
Monday rehearsals are at the Methodist Church Hall, South St, Farnham, GU9 7RN. (Down passage to right of church. Entrance is 20 metres on left. Knock loudly.)
Wednesday rehearsals are at the United Reformed Church (The Spire), in the main church, South Street, Farnham, GU9 7QU. (Opposite Sainsbury’s car park. Usually enter by door to left of church.)